Baseball stats

Players fielding stats for: National League in year: 1960

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Players fielding stats
Barnes Frank41230000
Bauta Ed90470200
Boyer Ken14614438141403001937
Bridges Marshall201941300
Bridges Rocky30124101
Broglio Ernie5224679173515
Browning Cal1020000
Burton Ellis23640416000
Cannizzaro Chris63861930101100
Carmel Duke213910201
Clemens Doug10184000
Crowe George526621201
Cunningham Joe116230603248022209
Duliba Bob2701223500
Flood Curt13423262195751440
Gibson Bob271226071403
Glenn John281057638000
Gotay Julio21391310
Grammas Alex46541560102171933
Gray Dick40302502
Grim Bob150620500
Jackson Larry4338846203845
James Charlie371469243242
Javier Julian11911929992723382471
Johnson Darrell80391010001100
Kline Ron341735382301
Kolb Gary20548000
Landrum Don132665467200
McCarver Tim5148900000300
McDaniel Lindy65234952102
Miller Bob15715831100
Mizell Vinegar Bend9916621100
Moryn Walt62982740198820
Musial Stan59142347139821416
Nelson Mel21240100
Nieman Bob551042064127080
Olivares Ed11240110
Rice Del1124400000000
Sadecki Ray262647261923
Sadowski Bob10120010
Sawatski Carl67421165279252551514111
Shannon Wally153144102304
Simmons Curt231745662814
Smith Hal1241082751664617922432340
Spencer Daryl13814337022423593274
Wagner Leon3252141898840
White Bill123168434711196615109
Stats shortcuts
CSCaught Stealing
DPDouble Plays
GSGames Started
IOTime played in the field expressed as outs
PBPassed Balls
SBStolen Bases
WPWild Pitches

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