Baseball stats

Players fielding stats for: American League in year: 1992

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Players fielding stats
Alexander Gerald3051000
Bannister Floyd3601114500
Bohanon Brian1871375310
Brown Kevin3535797373684
Burns Todd35103095811
Campbell Mike10110000
Cangelosi John65461628152862
Canseco Jose132466664020
Carman Don2070000
Chiamparino Scott44761220
Colon Cris1413306173635
Daugherty Jack2629974100842
Davis Doug103000000000
Diaz Mario1611282162612
Downing Brian93
Fariss Monty497420621301305
Fireovid Steve30201202
Franco Julio1516348301732
Frye Jeff67641667120196743
Gonzalez Juan148286752675818204
Guzman Jose3333672162213
Harris Donald241660472222
Hulse David31501272122020
Huson Jeff82882480178250966
Jeffcoat Mike63591301
Leon Danilo150553100
Manuel Barry30170000
Mathews Terry4001275401
Maurer Rob31339100
McCullers Lance50151201
McGinnis Russ10112554540362720
Newman Al72752172149223847
Nunez Edwin3901372310
Palmeiro Rafael156154414812511437131
Palmer Dean15014338161242542224
Pavlik Roger13121866310
Peltier Dan101229412020
Petralli Geno54371130264244631522200
Reimer Kevin110200504439514222
Robinson Jeff1641376202
Rodriguez Ivan1161122948763851510105353575
Rogers Kenny81023641720
Rosenthal Wayne60140100
Russell Jeff5101708800
Russell John42811422001320
Ryan Nolan272747221631
Sierra Ruben119238633244912140
Smith Dan42431100
Stephens Ray63841220001230
Thon Dickie877520361172251538
Whiteside Matt200843210
Witt Bobby2525484141611
Stats shortcuts
CSCaught Stealing
DPDouble Plays
GSGames Started
IOTime played in the field expressed as outs
PBPassed Balls
SBStolen Bases
WPWild Pitches

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