Sun (See also Light.) Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Sun (See also Light.)
- Apollo sun god; his chariot ride spanned morning to night. [Gk. Myth.: Benét, 42]
- Aton (Aten) solar deity worshiped as the one god by Amenophis IV. [Egypt. Myth.: Parrinder, 33]
- Bast cat-headed goddess representing sun and moon. [Egypt. Myth.: Parrinder, 41]
- Belenus sun god. [Celtic Myth.: Parrinder, 42]
- Buto goddess and mother of the sun and moon. [Egypt. Myth. Kravitz, 48]
- cock Helios’s sacred bird; sacrificed to the sun in Mexico. [Rom. and Mex. Myth.: Leach, 239]
- Cuchulain sun-figure and powerful fighter. [Irish Myth.: Parrinder, 68]
- double ax symbol of the sun. [Hindu and Western Folklore: Cirlot, 22]
- eagle symbol represents the sun. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 358]
- fire representation of the sun. [Western Symbolism: Cirlot, 105–106]
- gold color of the sun’s rays. [Color Symbolism: Jobes, 357]
- Helios sun in its astronomic aspects; aspect of Apollo. [Gk. Myth: Espy, 28]
- Horns solar deity, portrayed as a hawk-headed man. [Egypt. Myth.: Benét, 478]
- Hyperion Titan and father of the sun. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmer-man, 132]
- lion symbol of the sun gods; corresponds to the sun. [Western Symbolism: Cirlot, 189–190]
- Mithra (Mithras) god of sunlight. [Persian Myth.: EB, VI: 944–945]
- Phaëthon Apollo’s son; foolishly attempted to drive sun chariot. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 202]
- Phoebus epithet of Apollo as the sun god. [Gk. Myth.: Benét, 42]
- Ra personification of the sun. [Egypt. Myth.: Parrinder, 235]
- Sol the sun god. [Rom. Myth.: Zimmerman, 245]