Marksmanship Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Marksmanship

  1. Buffalo Bill (1846–1917) famed sharpshooter in Wild West show. [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 67]
  2. Crotus son of Pan, companion to Muses; skilled in archery. [Gk. Myth.: Howe, 70]
  3. Deadeye Dick sobriquet of 1880s cowboy-sharpshooter, Nat Love. [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 41]
  4. Egli Norse god, famed archer, met the same challenge as William Tell. [Norse Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 323]
  5. Hawkeye sharpshooting frontier folk hero. [Am. Lit.: The Last of the Mohicans]
  6. Hickok, “Wild Bill” (1837–1876) sharpshooting stage driver and marshal of U.S. West. [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 387]
  7. Hood, Robin famed throughout land for skill as archer. [Br. Lit.: Robin Hood]
  8. Oakley, Annie (1860–1926) renowned expert gunshooter of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show. [Am. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 771]
  9. Robin-A-Bobbin such a bad archer, killed crow while aiming for pigeon. [Nurs. Rhyme: Mother Goose, 33]
  10. Tell, William shot apple off son’s head with arrow. [Swiss Legend: Brewer Dictionary, 1066; Ital. Opera: Rossini, William Tell]