Hope (See also Optimism.) Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Hope (See also Optimism.)

  1. anchor emblem of optimism; steadfastly secured the soul in adversity. [N.T.: Hebrews, 6:18–19]
  2. cinquefoil traditional representation of hope. [Flower Symbol-ism and Heraldry: Jobes, 341]
  3. Emigrants, The shows Norwegians in Dakota wheatlands striving for better life. [Nor. Lit.: The Emigrants, Magill I, 244–246]
  4. flowering almond symbol of spring; blooms in winter. [Flower Symbolism: Jobes, 71]
  5. Great Pumpkin, the awaited each Halloween by Linus. [Comics: “Peanuts” in Home, 542]
  6. hawthorn symbol of optimism. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 174; Kunz, 328]
  7. Iceman Cometh, The “The lie of the pipe dream is what gives life.” [Am. Lit.: The Iceman Cometh]
  8. Of Mice and Men portrays a philosophy that humans are made of hopes and dreams. [Am. Lit.: Of Mice and Men]
  9. rainbow God’s assurance He would not send another great flood. [O.T.: Genesis, 9:12–16]
  10. snowdrop symbol of optimism. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 177; Kunz, 326]

Hopelessness (See DESPAIR.)