Faithlessness (See also Adultery, Cuckoldry.) Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Faithlessness (See also Adultery, Cuckoldry.)

  1. Angelica betrays Orlando by eloping with young soldier. [Ital. Lit.: Orlando Furioso]
  2. Camilla falls to temptations of husband’s friend. [Span. Lit.: Don Quixote]
  3. Carmen throws over lover for another. [Fr. Lit.: Carmen; Fr. Opera: Bizet, Carmen, Westerman, 189–190]
  4. Coronis princess killed by Apollo for being unfaithful to him. [Gk. Myth.: Howe, 66]
  5. Cressida unfaithful mistress of Troilus; byword for unfaithfulness. [Br. Lit.: Troilus and Cressida]
  6. Dear John letter from woman informing boyfriend that relationship is over. [Am. Usage: Misc.]
  7. Frankie and Johnnie Johnnie, unfaithful to Frankie, is shot by her; there are nearly 500 versions of the song. [Am. Music: Misc.]
  8. Goneril and Regan Lear’s disloyal offspring; “tigers, not daughters.” [Br. Lit.: King Lear]
  9. Manon indifferently allows lover to be abducted. [Fr. Opera: Massenet, Manon, Westerman, 194–195]
  10. Shahriyar convinced of female wantonness, marries a new wife each night, kills her in the morning. [Arab. Lit.: Arabian Nights]