Exasperation (See also Frustration, Futility.) Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Exasperation (See also Frustration, Futility.)

  1. Carter, Sergeant Marine corps sergeant exasperated by Gomer’s ceaseless stupidity. [TV: “Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.” in Terrace, I, 319]
  2. Dagwood comic strip character exasperated over Blondie’s sale purchases. [Comics: “Blondie” in Horn, 118–119]
  3. Dithers, Mr. Dagwood’s boss; ever exasperated over Dagwood’s sloppy work habits. [Comics: “Blondie” in Horn, 118–119]
  4. Gildersleeve, Throckmorton P. comic character exasperated by nephew Leroy’s antics. [Radio: “The Great Gildersleeve” in Buxton, 101]
  5. Kennedy, Edgar film actor famous for “slow burn.” [Am. Cinema: Halliwell]
  6. Kowalski, Stanley exasperated by Blanche DuBois’ affected refinement. [Am. Lit.: A Streetcar Named Desire]
  7. Kramden, Ralph frustrated bus driver projects exasperation toward his wife and Ed Norton. [TV: “The Honeymooners” in Terrace, I, 365–366]
  8. Lodge, Mr. Veronica’s wealthy father driven to distraction by Archie. [Comics: Horn, 87]
  9. Moe continually exasperated at Larry and Curly for their mischievous pranks. [TV: “The Three Stooges” in Terrace, II, 366]
  10. Ricardo, Ricky bandleader frustrated by Lucy’s mischief. [TV: “I Love Lucy” in Terrace, I, 383–384]
  11. Smith, Ranger park manager “driven bananas” by Yogi’s incorrigibility. [TV: “Yogi Bear” in Terrace, II, 448–449]