Drug Addiction Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Drug Addiction

  1. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater Thomas de Quincy tells of his opium addiction, his nightmarish experiences, and the sufferings of withdrawal. [Br. Lit.: Haydn & Fuller, 155]
  2. Holmes, Sherlock the famous sleuth, addicted to cocaine. [Br. Lit.: Benét, 473]
  3. Man with the Golden Arm, The Chicagoan Frankie Machine, a failure, takes to morphine, murders his supplier, and hangs himself. [Am. Lit.: Benét, 632]
  4. Tyrone, Mary addicted to morphine after childbirth, thanks to her husband’s choice of a quack doctor. [Am. Lit.: O’Neill Long Day’s Journey into Night in Sobel, 431]
  5. Valley of the Dolls portrays self-destruction of drug addicted starlets. [Am. Lit.: Valley of the Dolls]