Courtesy Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Courtesy

  1. Boy Scouts youth organization, ever ready to perform good deeds. [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 59]
  2. Castiglione, Baldassare (1478–1529) author of The Courtier, Renaissance bible of etiquette. [Ital. Lit.: Plumb, 316–319]
  3. Dickon one of “nature’s gentlemen.” [Children’s Lit.: The Secret Garden]
  4. Post, Emily (1873–1960) etiquette book author; preaches “consideration for others.” [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 277]
  5. Shem and Japheth cover father’s nakedness without looking at him. [O.T.: Genesis 9:23–27]