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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- December 20

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Interesting things that happened December 20th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1805 Thomas Graham, the father of colloid chemistry
  In 1819 John Geary, San Francisco's first postmaster and first mayor
  In 1833 Samuel A. Mudd, doctor who gave medical aid to J. W. Booth
  In 1841 Ferdinand-Édouard Buisson, French educator (Nobel Peace Prize 1927)
  In 1868 Harvey S. Firestone, tiremaker
  In 1881 Branch Rickey (in Stockdale, OH), baseball legend
  In 1894 Sir Robert Menzies, Australian PM (1939-41, 1949-66)
  In 1895 Susanne Langer, US philosopher, educator (Philosophy in a New Key)
  In 1904 Irene Dunne (in Louisville, Ky)
  In 1922 George Roy Hill, Movie director
  In 1928 Joyce Brothers, doctor
        + Jack Christiansen, NFL defensive back (Detroit Lions)
  In 1947 Peter Criss, rocker (CRISS, ex of KISS)
  In 1949 Cecil Cooper, Baseball player
  In 1952 Jenny Agutter (in London)
  In 1956 Blanche Baker, actress
  In 1957 Billy Bragg, musician

Events worth noting:
        + Saturnalia
  In 1606 Virginia Company settlers leave London to establish Jamestown.
  In 1699 Peter the Great ordered Russian New Year changed - Sept 1 to Jan 1.
  In 1790 First successful US cotton mill to spin yarn (Pawtucket, RI).
  In 1803 Louisiana Purchase was formally transferred from France to US.
  In 1812 Sacagawea, Shoshone interpreter for Lewis and Clark, dies.
  In 1820 Missouri imposes a $1 bachelor tax on unmarried men between 21 and
  In 1850 Hawaiian post office established.
  In 1860 By a vote of 169 to 0 South Carolina adopts an Ordinace of
          Seccession and becomes first state to secede from the United States.
  In 1864 Union Gen. Sherman continued his 'march to the sea.' Savannah, Ga.
  In 1879 Tom Edison privately demonstrated incandescent light at Menlo Park.
  In 1880 New York's Broadway lighted by electricity, becomes known as the
          "Great White Way."
  In 1883 International cantilever railway bridge opens at Niagara Falls.
  In 1892 Phileas Fogg completes around world trip, according to Verne.
        + Pneumatic automobile tire patented.
  In 1919 Canadian National Railways established (longest on continent with
          more than 50,000 kilometers of track in US and Canada)
  In 1922 Fourteen republics of Russia formed USSR.
  In 1939 Radio Australia starts shortwave service.
  In 1944 Battle of Bastogne, Nazis surrounded 101st Airborne.
  In 1963 Berlin Wall opened for first time to West Berliners.
  In 1968 Author John Steinbeck dies in NY at 66.
  In 1976 Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley dies at 74.
        + Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin resigns.
  In 1977 First Space walk made from a Salyut by G. Grechko.
  In 1982 Arthur Rubinstein, pianist, dies in Geneva, Switzerland, at 95.

And remember ...
  National Indigestion Season

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM