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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- August 13

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Interesting things that happened August 13th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1422 William Caxton, first English printer (Histories of Troy)
  In 1655 Johann Christoph Denner, invented the clarinet
  In 1814 Anders Jonas Ångström, physicist, founder of spectroscopy
  In 1818 Lucy Stone, pioneer in Woman's Rights
  In 1819 Sir George Gabriel Stokes, physicist, mathematician
  In 1860 Annie Oakley, frontier woman
  In 1899 Alfred Hitchcock, film director (Psycho, The Birds, etc.)
  In 1902 Felix Wankel, German inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine)
        + Regis Toomey, actor
  In 1904 Charles (Buddy) Rodgers, actor
  In 1908 Gene Raymond, actor
  In 1909 John Beal, actor
  In 1912 Ben Hogan, golfer
  In 1918 Frederick Sanger, British chemist (Nobel 1958, 1980)
  In 1920 George Shearing, pianist
  In 1921 Neville Brand, actor
  In 1926 Fidel Castro Ruz, Cuban revolutionary and dictator
  In 1930 Don Ho, singer
  In 1951 Dan Fogelberg, musician
  In 1961 Dawnn Lewis
  In 1967 Quinn Cummings

Events worth noting:
        + Dog Days
        + Feast of SS. Hippolytus and Cassian, martyrs
        + International Left-handers Day
        + Kappa Cygnid meteor shower, radiant in Cygnus
        + Perseid meteor shower, radiant in Cassiopeia
  In    0 3114 B.C. The Mayan "long count" calendar system begins.
  In 1642 Christiaan Huygens discovers the Martian south polar cap.
  In 1704 English defeat French at Battle of Blenheim.
  In 1831 Nat Turner leads uprising of slaves in Virginia.
  In 1847 English astronomer J.R. Hind discovers asteroid Iris.
  In 1876 Reciprocity Treaty between U.S. and Hawaii ratified.
  In 1932 Yankee pitcher Red Ruffing homers and wins the game 1-0 in 10 tying
          the feat of Senator Tom Hughes who also won 1-0 in 10 in 1906.
  In 1939 Yankees set AL shutout margin with 21-0 victory over the A's.
  In 1960 Central African Republic proclaims independence from France.
  In 1989 US space shuttle STS-28 lands.

And remember ...
  National Inventors Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM