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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- April 25

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Interesting things that happened April 25th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1599 Oliver Cromwell, statesman
  In 1874 Guglielmo Marconi (in Bologna, Italy), made radio possible
  In 1906 William Brennan, Supreme Court Justice
  In 1908 Edward R. Murrow (in Pole Creek, NC), newcaster extraordinaire, set
          the standard for TV correspondents
  In 1918 Ella Fitzgerald, singer
  In 1923 Anita Bjorak
        + Melissa Hayden (in Toronto)
  In 1930 Paul Mazursky
  In 1932 Meadowlark Lemon, Harlem Globetrotter
  In 1940 Al Pacino, actor (The Godfather, Dog Day Afternoon)
  In 1946 Talia Shire (in New York City), actor (Rocky n, Rocky n+1)

Events worth noting:
        + Arbor Day.  Plant a tree.
        + Confederate Memorial Day.  The South shall rise again!
  In 1684 A patent is granted for the thimble.
  In 1792 Highwayman Nicolas J. Pelletier first person executed by guillotine.
  In 1859 Ground broken for the Suez Canal.
  In 1862 Admiral Farragut occupies New Orleans, Louisiana.
  In 1864 Battle of Marks' Mill, Arkansas.
  In 1891 President Benjamin Harrison visits San Francisco.
  In 1898 U.S. declares war on Spain, reciprocating from the day before.
  In 1901 New York becomes first state requiring license plates for cars. The
          fee was $1.
  In 1904 Yankee Jack Chesbro's first of 41 wins that year.
  In 1911 "The Secret Garden" by Francis Hodgeson Burnett is published.
  In 1945 Delegates from 45 countries met in San Francisco organizing the U.N.
          -- the United Nations Conference starts.
        + Last Boeing B-17 attack against Nazi Germany.
        + US and Soviet forces met at Torgau Germany on the Elbe River.
  In 1954 Bell labs announces the first solar battery - NY city.
  In 1957 First experimental sodium nuclear reactor operated.
  In 1959 Saint Lawrence Seaway opens to shipping.
  In 1960 First submerged circumnavigation of Earth completed (Triton).
  In 1961 Robert Noyce granted a patent for the integrated circuit.
  In 1962 Seattle World's Fair opens.
  In 1975 First Boeing Jetfoil revenue service, Hong Kong to Macao.
  In 1980 Announcement of hostage rescue bungle in Iran.
  In 1982 In accordance with Carter-negotiated Camp David accords, Israel
          completes Sinai withdrawl.
  In 1990 The Hubble space telescope is brought on-line.  Unfortunately, its
          mirror is slightly warped.
  In 1991 "The Secret Garden", starring Mandy Patinkin, opens on Broadway.
          This is the 80th anniversary of the publication of the original book.
          This also marks the entry of Lucy Simon, older sister of Carly Simon,
          into composing for musical theatre.

And remember ...
  America's Heartland Development Month
  Cancer Control Month
  Math Education Month
  National Poetry Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM